Welcome to the Parent Portal!
Once you have reviewed the instructions to proceed to online forms


The Chandler Public Schools Athletic Department would like to thank you for taking part in our process of accepting the required athletic participation paperwork online.

• 1. You must print off a copy of the physical form and take it the physician. It must be filled out and signed by a physician.. Please return the signed copy of the physical to the Chandler Athletic Department.

• 2. Remember to submit online, you and your student athlete must fill out and sign in all required spaces. Forms will not be accepted electronically without everything filled out by the student athlete and you the parent/guardian.

• 3. To access the required athletic participation forms for Chandler Public Schools, hold your cursor over the “Electronic Participation Forms” tab. You will get a drop down list of all the required forms.

• 4. You will use your child’s First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth to validate your student’s record.

• 5. TO SIGN THE DOCUMENT, click inside the signature box and hold your mouse down, this will allow you to create an “electronic signature.” If you make a mistake and need to start over click on the refresh icon next to the signature box. If you are using an iPad, you may create an electronic signature, by holding your finger to the screen and signing or by using a stylus pen and signing.

• 6. Once you have filled out all of the information on each page you will have the opportunity to print the document.

If you have any questions, please contact the Chandler Athletic Department or email:

